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Kelas pass the annual assessment of Yu Tong Bus for two consecutive years
Time:2012-05-14   view:   author:kelas

News background: Zheng Zhou Yu Tong Bus Co., Ltd. Is a leading company in domestic market.  At present it has the largest-scale and most advanced technology conditions bus production base in the world. The company was listed in 1997 at Shang Hai Stock Exchange, and is the first domestic bus company listed. Yu Tong Bus Co., Ltd. has strict certification to suppliers. It has high require for management system and industry experience. The material of suppliers must rank the top six.

There is a good news from Zheng Zhou. JinagsuKLSEnvironmentalProtection Technology Co.,Ltd become qualified suppier of Zheng Zhou Yu Tong Bus Co., Ltd. and they can supply Adblue to Yu Tong. KLS has pass the assessment for two consecutive years.

Jinagsu KLS is one of the largest-scale, most advanced technical environmental urea production company in domestic. It can produce urea 6000,000 tons annually and has been the Adblue supplier of cars industry, bus company, terminal users for years.

As a environmental company, KLS research and develop environmental antifreeze- KLS Biodegradable Coolant. It obtain non-toxic alcohols, inorganic salts from plant and animal resources as a coolant material resources; not contain ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, methanol, ethanol and other toxic substance. It has promising market.  

The assessment widen the channel realization of benefit. It marks a big progress in technology and capacity. KLS will improve the management system and research, develop ability with the philosophy of protecting environment and caring human health.